Radionor Communications AS
Ingvald Ystgaards veg 23
7047 Trondheim, Norway NO 882 136 752 MVA
Tel: +47 72 81 05 00
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The REDBOXTM is an accessory to the Cordis Array product family that gives high precision geolocation navigation in addition to the tactical long range wireless communication system. The REDBOXTM extracts angular and distance information from all the phased array antennas within communication range and performs a massive signal processing from the antenna array data to determine the geolocation with high performance and reliability.
This ITAR-free product has the following features:
*High precision navigation and time reference system
*Fully independent of infrastructure of satellite
*Full 3D positioning
*Detects GNSS jamming and spoofing
*No ITAR restrictions applies
*AES-256 link encryption in hardware
*Range more than 200 km
*Navigation and wireless communication in one system
*Simple integration with Cordis Array products
*Novel ad hoc self-healing navigation network system